Warning in cli: Lab topology source file /home/pipi/net101/tools/tests/integration/ospf/ospfv2/06-vlan-mtu.yml has been modified ... after the snapshot netlab.snapshot.yml has been created ... Set defaults.warnings.snapshot.modified to False to hide this warning ... netlab transforms lab topology into device- and platform data and stores the results in a snapshot file that is used by most netlab commands. Changes to source files (including lab topology or defaults) are not automatically reflected in the snapshot file. Use 'netlab create' or 'netlab up' to create a new snapshot file. [WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: unprovisioned PLAY [Deploy initial device configuration] ************************************* TASK [Set variables that cannot be set with VARS] ****************************** ok: [x1] ok: [x2] ok: [x3] ok: [dut] TASK [Find device readiness script] ******************************************** ok: [x1] ok: [x3] ok: [x2] ok: [dut] TASK [Wait for device to become ready] ***************************************** skipping: [x1] skipping: [x2] skipping: [x3] included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/readiness-check/eos-clab.yml for dut TASK [Wait for cEOS SSH daemon to start] *************************************** ok: [dut] TASK [Normalize config on bridge-like devices] ********************************* included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-module.yml for dut, x1, x2, x3 TASK [Figure out whether to deploy the module normalize on current device] ***** ok: [x1] ok: [x2] ok: [x3] ok: [dut] TASK [Find configuration template for normalize] ******************************* ok: [x1] ok: [x2] ok: [x3] ok: [dut] TASK [fail] ******************************************************************** skipping: [dut] skipping: [x1] skipping: [x2] skipping: [x3] TASK [Print deployed configuration when running in verbose mode] *************** skipping: [x1] skipping: [x2] skipping: [x3] ok: [dut] => msg: |- normalize configuration for dut ========================================= ! interface Ethernet1 shutdown mac-address 52dc.cafe.0101 ! interface Ethernet2 shutdown mac-address 52dc.cafe.0102 ! interface Ethernet3 shutdown mac-address 52dc.cafe.0103 TASK [Find configuration deployment deploy_script for normalize] *************** skipping: [x1] skipping: [x2] skipping: [x3] ok: [dut] TASK [Deploy normalize configuration] ****************************************** skipping: [x1] skipping: [x2] skipping: [x3] included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/eos.yml for dut TASK [eos_config: deploying normalize from /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/templates/normalize/eos.j2] *** [WARNING]: To ensure idempotency and correct diff the input configuration lines should be similar to how they appear if present in the running configuration on device including the indentation changed: [dut] TASK [Deploy initial configuration] ******************************************** included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-module.yml for dut, x1, x2, x3 TASK [Figure out whether to deploy the module initial on current device] ******* ok: [x1] ok: [x2] ok: [x3] ok: [dut] TASK [Find configuration template for initial] ********************************* ok: [x1] ok: [x2] ok: [x3] ok: [dut] TASK [fail] ******************************************************************** skipping: [dut] skipping: [x1] skipping: [x2] skipping: [x3] TASK [Print deployed configuration when running in verbose mode] *************** ok: [x1] => msg: |- initial configuration for x1 ========================================= #!/bin/bash # set -e set -x # # Create bash profile script # cat <