[r2_eth1_down] Remove R2 from the VRRP LAN [ node(s): r2 ] [INFO] Executing configuration snippet ifdown [PASS] R2 has been disconnected from the VRRP LAN [ping_vrrp] Verify VRRP is enabled on DUT [ node(s): h1 ] [PASS] h1: Ping to h2 succeeded [PASS] Test succeeded [r2_eth1_up] Add R2 to the VRRP LAN [ node(s): r2 ] [INFO] Executing configuration snippet ifdown [PASS] R2 has been reconnected to the VRRP LAN [r2_vrrp_backup] Verify that R2 is in the backup state [ node(s): r2 ] [FAIL] Node r2: Test failed for node r2 Returned result ================================================================================ - acceptMode: true advertisementInterval: 1000 autoconfigured: false checksumWithIpv4Pseudoheader: true interface: eth1 preemptMode: true priority: 20 shutdown: false v4: addresses: - effectivePriority: 20 interface: vrrp-1-17 masterAdverInterval: 1000 masterDownInterval: 3920 primaryAddress: skewTime: 920 stats: adverRx: 0 adverTx: 10 garpTx: 1 transitions: 2 status: Master vmac: 00:00:5e:00:01:11 v6: addresses: [] effectivePriority: 20 interface: '' masterAdverInterval: 0 masterDownInterval: 0 primaryAddress: '::' skewTime: 0 stats: adverRx: 0 adverTx: 0 neighborAdverTx: 0 transitions: 0 status: Initialize vmac: 00:00:5e:00:02:11 version: 3 vrid: 17 [r2_vrrp_prio] Starting test [ node(s): r2 ] [INFO] Executing configuration snippet vrrp-priority [PASS] R2 VRRP priority has been increased to 80 [r2_vrrp_master] Verify that R2 took over as master (VRRP priority on DUT is lower than 80) [ node(s): r2 ] [PASS] Validation succeeded on r2 [PASS] Test succeeded [r2_vrrp_prio_low] Starting test [ node(s): r2 ] [INFO] Executing configuration snippet vrrp-priority [PASS] R2 VRRP priority has been lowered to 20 [dut_preempt] Verify that DUT preempts R2 when its priority is lowered [ node(s): r2 ] [WARNING] Node r2: Test failed for node r2 Returned result ================================================================================ - acceptMode: true advertisementInterval: 1000 autoconfigured: false checksumWithIpv4Pseudoheader: true interface: eth1 preemptMode: true priority: 20 shutdown: false v4: addresses: - effectivePriority: 20 interface: vrrp-1-17 masterAdverInterval: 1000 masterDownInterval: 3920 primaryAddress: skewTime: 920 stats: adverRx: 0 adverTx: 25 garpTx: 1 transitions: 2 status: Master vmac: 00:00:5e:00:01:11 v6: addresses: [] effectivePriority: 20 interface: '' masterAdverInterval: 0 masterDownInterval: 0 primaryAddress: '::' skewTime: 0 stats: adverRx: 0 adverTx: 0 neighborAdverTx: 0 transitions: 0 status: Initialize vmac: 00:00:5e:00:02:11 version: 3 vrid: 17 [FAIL] 8 tests completed, one test failed